Tag Archives: etsy

It’s going to be a good day …

I’m gradually putting some new things up on Etsy.

I always balk at doing this as it seems to take so long to list everything, but the stuff is beginning to pile up and it’s all getting a bit overwhelming now.

I’m still working on my own website but, again, it’s taking its own sweet time because all this photographing and describing rigmarole simply isn’t as fun as making the stuff.

But look at it.





Who wouldn’t want a little piece of these lovelies :)


This time I’ve decided to send my money – here


It’s a little off from my usual choice, but a girl can change her mind, no?

Watch the videos – here, and – here.

So the next $1000 I make is going to India. I’ve already made $400 of it so not much further to go.

Hell, I might even send it now and just wait for the money to catch up :)

P.S. Studio still in a mess. Please send help!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Oh no, I did it again.

Is there no hope?

I’m not even in jewelry making mode right now. I’m in quilt making mode with a slight leaning toward painting. To complicate everything, the pottery niggle is getting pretty strong also, but, I can’t cope with thinking about that right now.

So why?


light red ruby nuggets


dark red ruby nuggets

mystic aura bronze purple quartz

mystic aura bronze purple quartz


unpolished aquamarine

And, (save me now).

pink peruvian opal

pink peruvian opal

All I can say is that I had a bit of a moment on Etsy, and, I may very well have to mini ban myself from ever going back there again.

I bought this also.



retro whale

But, that wasn’t my fault. I’ve needed this since way before I knew I did. So there was nothing I could do about it.

Look at it.

It’s brilliant.

Wally is trying his best to restrain me,


but, you see, this is what happens when you browse Etsy on a lazy Sunday morning in bed.

I guess it’s time to get up before I do any more damage.

Just so you know.

It’s 46 ¡™£¢∞§¶•••ªªƒ©˙∆˚

(O.K. that’s me trying to find the degree sign. No worries, I think I got it).

It’s 46˚ out there today.

Very nice. I feel as though I can breathe.

Although Wally has decided that he’s better off under the bed clothes.

Either that or he’s hiding from the wicked step cat who’s here for the weekend.

Here she is in her exorcist pose.

Freaky cat.

A few things going on right now.

First I found these.

Which I’m really excited about.

You can read about my poached egg trauma here and here.

But, be warned, it includes the word, snot.

I haven’t tried them out yet but today might just be the day.

 And although I did say there were a few things going on at the moment, I think I lied as I can’t seem to come up with anything else.

I did find this, however,

in the cupboard, which has encouraged me to try a few more.

I’m still reading up on selling my jewelry wholesale, but haven’t got that far with it yet because it involves going out and talking to people. I didn’t know I was such a chicken.

O.K. maybe I did.

I have been listing a few more things on Etsy.

(I didn’t write that Danielle ;) did I ever mention I was a slow learner?).

And today?

I’m thinking of getting out my PMC and making some charms. Only the stuff makes me really frustrated as all I seem to do is get hundreds of dollars of sticky silver on my fingers which is really annoying and no good for my blood pressure.

Maybe I should experiment with the copper clay first just to get a grip on things.

This is one of my first attempts before I put the stuff away in disgust.

Not very inspiring.

But, other people can do it, so I’m determined I can. Not that I’m stubborn or anything.

Or, I might paint.

Let’s just hope the poached egg situation doesn’t put a damper on the whole day.

I will report back …

I’ve been

Listing new things on Etsy.

Man it’s long work.

I also put something new on Tictail but I’m not sure anyone really goes to look at that.

Now I feel like this.

I think I’ll go play with a cat.

Some of my favourite stuff.

Lilla Jizo


Indigo twin weddings

Slightly triangle

Hillary Cosgrove

You lookin’ at me!


I think its going to be a jewelry kind of day today.

I haven’t made anything since my dad was here except to paint. But, I’ve now decided to give up on the painting. Yep, I’ve gone into my, I can’t do it and it’s bringing me down, stage. It generally happens after a few days of, I want to say enjoyment, so how can it go from fun to despair in such a short period of time?

Was it Dick Frances?

I didn’t work on the one with the out of control tree, but, rather, I picked up some half-finished paintings, one of which I actually believe I finished yesterday. My second or third completed piece out of the hundreds (okay, maybe fifty) I have lurking in the store-room. Wowzers. At least that’s a step in the right direction.

And here it is.

in all it’s glory. No windows, sorry E.

And this one, apart from the sky, is perhaps almost as close to finished.

Some windows. Ghost windows, mawahaha. (Too creepy?)

But then I picked up this one – again.

And I think it might just have been the one that finished me off.

There’s something about it that I really like, it’s simplicity perhaps, and the colours, but, I just can’t do it capt’n, I’ve no the power!

Oh the stress in my heart as I think about it.

(O.K. maybe a tad melodramatic).

And then, as if to push me over the edge completely, I found this on Etsy.

Click picture to find Ariel Schoen

And bought it so that I can put it on my bedroom wall and have it taunt me each day I wake up ….

O.K. I’m going to have to stop now. The self-pity is bringing me down.

Time to move on …

On a good note, the red oil pastel all but came out of the sofa. The only place you can see the remnants of the ‘incident’ is on one of the cushions which can easily be turned over and hidden. The stain on the ottoman was the most worrying for me as there is no turning to do, but, it came out completely, as it did on the other two cushions. Oh, goo be gone, white shaving cream and apple scented washing up liquid, you are now my friends for life. How can I have been so dismissive of you for all these years …

So, jewelry it is. Either that or moping on the sofa – and that’s kind of getting old news now. I have an art festival coming up in October so perhaps I need to make some simple, cheaper, items, but really I want to set some more cabochons. I’m not going to let it bother me though. I’m just going to wing it.

$^$!@!# it’s bothering me already.

Really? Is the whole day going to be like this?