Tag Archives: Arts

The Green Bellied Corfunculus

I wanted to show you this one’s progress so I started by looking at my doodles.

To get in the mood.

Then I found a stone and designed around it.

And included a little bit of the left over filigree experiment.

I traced the finished shape on some sticky back clear film (which I forgot to photograph) but here’s the general shape

Next I wrapped the stone in bezel wire.

Like so.

And then everything went to pot and I forgot my good intentions of showing you my process and delved into the world of turquoise jewelry design ponderings until –

lo and behold

The End.

So now all I have left is to present you with this.

And its story.

Green Bellied Corfunculus

Today Marcos Haverbrook, Royal Jeweler to HRH Significanta Regina of the Kingdom of Spry, made this outstanding piece to commemorate the upcoming Festival of Awkward Flowers which is to be held in honour of Cornelius Audenberry III, intrepid botanist to the Queen. Audenberry arrived safely back from his latest expedition to the small islands known as The Bora Kowlandis last month and has since been documenting his discoveries with the aid of Haverbrook, and Trevor de Manous, Royal Painter. The Bora Knowlandis, which are located in the Black Fur Waters of the Jinta Ocean, is home to hundreds of extraordinarily rare botanical species, including the Green Bellied Corfunculus which has been so beautifully captured in Haverbrook’s exquisite work as seen above.

Also to be shown at the festival will be a selection of de Manous’ vivid representations of Audenberry’s field sketches. Including this one of the Startled Bee Trap which Cornelius found growing near the north shores of the third island known as Lower Knowlandis.

The Festival of Awkward Flowers is to be held next month in the Royal Gardens.


This is today.

I finished sewing the flowers on the quilt last week, but then I just had to have a jewelry moment.

Also, a housecleaning moment!

Who knew that would happen. Have to take advantage of that when I can.

I changed my studio rooms around a couple of weeks ago, and am really enjoying not being so cramped.


Of course, I’ve still managed to fill every square inch of space.


I do try, every so often, to clean up a bit though.



I found some old clay pieces.


I particularly like this out of shape, cellulite-y, lumpy woman.


Makes me feel normal.

And I leave you today with

True Love.



P.S. Off to tackle the quilt border this afternoon.

Happy Wednesday.


And what exactly happened here?

You went into the quilt shop for white background fabric, and?


So you’re trying to tell me that tangerine is the new white?


I’ll buy that.

Amazingly tidy quilt table.


Look at it now, because it won’t last long.

First cup of tea.

(Actually my third. I’d already had two before I even made it to the quilt room).


Then I continued to make flowers and arrange them on the new white background.


I think it’s getting there, but the orange certainly surprised me.

So I had to have another cup of tea.


And I’m still not sure.


So I walked away for the day and went into the studio instead.

And made a bracelet.


I also found a (very) old photograph of me when I was at art school.


Could I look more grubby?

That jacket cost me 50p at the Help the Aged shop in Winchester. It was an old dustman’s jacket. My sister wouldn’t walk next to me when I wore it.

I have no idea why.


Everything going at once.

New quilt design for Hope.

My 5 year old niece.







It’s getting there.





Could they be more different from each other?


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All of which created in a complete mess.



But I fixed it.

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Now it’s boring.

Fortunately it won’t take me a nano second to get it back to normal.

Moving Becky into her new, horrible, gruesomely tiny, but she likes it, apartment in Austin.

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It does have a canary yellow door so how bad can it be?


Working on my website.


Didn’t need this in the end. Too much effort.


It isn’t up yet but I hope to launch it by the end of this century.

On top of that.

I made some art cards.


Did some doodles.

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Drank a lot of tea.


Discovered a jewelry injury in the shape of a question mark on my hand.


Weird, right?

My passing message to you.


Happy Sunday.

Did she run out of things to say?

I hear you wondering loudly to yourselves …

I think not!

Today is brought to you from the sofa after a day of wandering happily, and touching carefully, all the lovely art things at the Woodlands Waterway Art Festival, here in TX.

And, it was a beautiful day. It got a bit hot towards the end of the trek up and down the waterway, but we made it back to the car and into the Cheesecake Factory without too much moaning.

O.K. a bit of moaning.

Here are some of my favourite artist of the day.

Ronald Linton


Tim Peters


Alex Horst


Brian McGuffey


Terrell Powell


Deborah Bloom


Michele Ledoux

533892_10151516638772180_2147404283_nSteven and Beth Radtke


Denise Greenwood-Loveless


Chelsea Stone


Tanya Doskova


And my very, very favorite,

Steven Graber


Unfortunately I couldn’t buy them all …


Just some doodles today.

bird1 bird2

This one cracks me up. He looks so frightened.


I made this one into a rubber stamp. He also looks a little worried.

He’s friends with the banner bird in my title.

2 bird

It’s safe to say, we have overload again. So much fun to make all of these things, and so little time to get them all out.

Oh, the bitter-sweet joy of it all.

(I feel a melodramatic moment coming on).

So, what to do today?

I want to plant herbs.

I want to make jewelry.

I want to finish glazing my pots.


I feel a, let’s get on with finishing this quilt then shall we, coming on.


This is where I left off just after Christmas.


Due to my MIL visiting.

I took it off the boil and never got back to it.

And, just because I think you need one, here’s a cheerful little Triffid doing the happy dance.


Happy Friday.