Tag Archives: flowers

The ponders of it all.

I had to get up early today, because someone rang the door bell at 8:15 and, thanks to N.P.R and their interview with the police people yesterday, I just knew it was burglars checking to see if anyone was home before they broke in.

So I quickly got out of bed and into the shower, because you have to be clean to deal with burglars. It was too late to tidy the house, so I had to let that one go.

Well, turns out it was the lawn spraying guy, who obviously couldn’t sleep this morning and decided to do his rounds early, but now I’m up and raring to go.

In fact, I’ve already been in the studio and have just come in for lunch so I’m in good shape.

I can’t help being a late riser. I have to do a lot of pondering in bed in the morning and it takes up time.

I check the news on-line to see if I’ve missed anything while I’ve been asleep. I browse the web for inspiration. I write my blog, even if I have nothing to write about, because I’m very generous that way.

Then I get up and ponder some more.

Important things like.

What shall I make today. Will I ever clean the house again. Can I throw away those magazines I have dated back to the late nineties. Why am I a magazine hoarder anyway. Why do my houseplants die. Is Willow going deaf. Is going deaf better than going blind.

And so on.

Sometimes it’s early afternoon before I can cope with doing anything.

It’s all so overwhelming.

But, not today. Today I’ve listened to Diane Rehm interviewing Jane Fonda instead about being a teenager, sex ‘n all. And I don’t have to worry about that anymore as my kids have moved beyond the teenage years.

Now, if it was a book on young adults finding their way into the real world of work and independence, then I would have to worry.

But, thankfully, not today.

I will leave you with my bunch of flowers, which I had to buy myself  (hear that P?), to cheer you up if you have teenagers that still keep you worrying about sex ‘n all.


(Love them because they will leave soon.)

And a new necklace I made.


Which I don’t really like.

Off back to the studio.

What’s up?


photo 1


photo 3


photo 2

The Yellow Spotted Wimple Head





Christmas has now taken over. I spent yesterday decorating the house and doing some shopping chores, all the while fighting not being able to get into the studio. I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s not worth the struggle. 

It’s a bit like trying to read the newspaper when the kids are little. You might as well just give up on the idea completely and settle into not fighting it.


So I never promised you a rose garden.

But who cares when you can have these instead.


Industrial Bloom on Etsy


Industrial Bloom on Etsy

Although you could probably get lockjaw from both.

I wonder. Would it smell as sweet?

Would it matter?